Forrest is the least artist of them all,
she's the one that is a reminder to live at one with nature.
Knowing how to live off grid is at the heart of her message, not just for the benefit of the planet, but for our own sake and even enjoyment.
She started out exploring land art.
This didn't feel direct enough, so inspired by Zines she created a beautifully curated and drawn survival skills guide. However the time it took to create this to a level she was happy with, didn't seem to be the right kind of productivity she was searching for, and was counter to what she wanted for herself.
Since then she has toyed with the idea of getting her message across through photography, but this also doesn't feel quite right. So as she is the least artist of them all, she is taking her time in this discovery stage, currently exploring finding thought provoking objects in nature.
A selection of Forrest artworks from her explorations
(more to be uploaded soon)
"La Gonarda - Save Nature" Andorra
"La Gonarda - Animals Live At One With Nature" Andorra